how to quickly grow a mustache and beard naturally

Cara Menumbuhkan Jenggot dan Kumis Secara Alami
How To Grow Fast Whiskers And Natural Beard - The trend of men with mustaches and beard seemed to be back ngehits lately. A lot of guys who start diligently growing his mustache and beard in order to appear more kece and plasticity lakik in front of the girls. Some girls are currently a lot of idolized bearded boys and bearded, yaa models Tengku Vishnu so: D

Eit, it turns out there are other functions of the beard and mustache bro, just not just to attract the attention of the girls aja ni. Functions include preventing aging for men, protecting the face from sunburn, cold air, and acne. In addition, hair on the beard is also able to block the skin is exposed to pollutant infections.

And I even the opposite thing if my long mustache I will shave for his plasticity look more neat and handsome look hehehe: v

Now the problem is the growth of the beard is just a mustache is quite dependent on the genetic factor bro. But calm, it does not mean just can surrender aja, nungguin beard and whiskers grow sober. There are natural ingredients used to stimulate hair to grow more and more quickly. The ingredients are easy to find around us, for example by using coconut oil and orange-orange mixture.

1.Coconut oil
Coconut Oil has a fairly high level of recommendation to stimulate hair growth. That is why, the growth of beard and mustache can also use this one natural ingredient. How:
Combine coconut oil with rosemary oil with a ratio of 10: 1 for coconut oil (10 drops ofcoconut oil and 1 drop of rosemary oil).
Take a little mixture of this oil with a cotton ball and apply on face.
After silence for 15 minutes.
Then, rinse with cold water.

2. Kayu Manis dan Jeruk

Well, if this one herb rather picky skin ni bro. For people with sensitive skin, this mixturewill provide a burning or itching sensation. If you experience such symptoms, immediately stop using them. But if ga ngerasain these reactions, you can use the way below about twice a week for maximum results. How:
  1. Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of lemon water untilevenly distributed.
  2. Apply mixture to the facial skin that want to grow the hair of his beard.
  3. Let stand for 20 minutes.
  4. Then, rinse with cold water.
Well we've for tu how to quickly grow the hair of the beard and whiskers with natural ingredients that are easy to get. Special brooke bro is out there, let's add handsome bin kece. Who knows can make girls klepek-klepek: 3

Good luck!

That's Tips How To Grow Fast Whiskers And JenggoT Naturally
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